Power Sessions

Power Sessions

A power session is a breakout time period in which prevention topics of general appeal are offered to participants as concurrent forums. There is one Power Session per day, with 3 presentation choices each day.

Please continue to check back throughout the summer for the latest information on new Power Sessions!

Tuesday, August 28 | 10:15 – 11:45 am

Jason R. Kilmer, Ph.D., University of WashingtonOur Hidden Partners in Prevention: Top Ten Things Parents Need to Know about Alcohol, Marijuana and Other Drugs
Room TBH
CSAPPartnerships for Success (PFS): Underage Drinking and Prescription Drug Misuse Community OutcomesRoom TBH
Dana MitchellFrom Skills to Action: Empowering Youth in Advocacy and Policy Change, Dover Youth to Youth, NH Room TBH

Wednesday, August 29 | 10:15 – 11:45 am

Albert Terrillion, DrPH, CPH, CHES Deputy Director, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)Coalition Partnerships with Healthcare Agencies

Healthcare transformation continues to challenge policy makers and health professionals. Cost, quality of care, and population-level considerations remain priorities in balanced efforts. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) has undertaken several projects and advocacy efforts in the past year that will strengthen community-based-organization partnerships in health care agencies. CADCA, a national, private nonprofit organization with affiliates in each of the 50 states and all US territories, helps community-based organizations forming coalitions become stronger and more effective and works with federal, state and local government to support the coalition movement. CADCA fully recognizes that as effective as universal prevention approaches have been, there is also a great need for integrating risk reduction approaches, given the growing rates of substance use commonly reported by national epidemiological surveys. This session will focus on two projects that seek to strengthen partnerships with healthcare agencies, including providers and payers, to improve community health.
Royal AB
Craig PoVey, NPN, Utah, Prevention Administrator, State of Utah, Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
Lisa May, Brand Supervisor, R&R Partners, State of Utah
Jane Sanville, MPH, Senior Policy Analyst, Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), Executive Office of the President
Vondie Woodbury, MPA, Vice President, Community Benefit for CHE Trinity Health System
The Missing Partner – Non-Profit Hospitals and Substance Use Prevention

New partnerships are being formed between non-profit hospitals, community coalitions, and states to prevent substance use, including opioid misuse, before it starts. These collaborations are based on common concerns - all parties are invested in improving the health of the communities they serve. Community Benefit is integral to many of these collaborations. This session will focus on: how Community Benefit works, recent data trends, the hospital point of view, and an example of how Utah and a hospital system collaborated to support a range of activities, including a media campaign.
Royal CD
Charles Reynolds, Director, Division of Community Programs
Costella Green, MHS, Branch Chief, Division of Community Programs
Kendric Neely, MPH, Public Health Advisor
Jasmin Bush, MA, Public Health Advisor
States and Communities Partnering to Prevent Substance Misuse

This interactive workshop will engage in discussions on how states are effectively collaborating with community coalitions to influence the implementation and sustainability of primary prevention practices and environmental prevention strategies to prevent substance misuse. Presenters will provide insights on: the power of forging healthy alliances on multiple levels; the importance of data-driven planning; and how to leverage existing and new resources to sustain program outcomes.
Royal EF
Richard McGaffigan, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (PIRE)SAFER California University Study: Implementing an Evidence-Based Program

The Safer California Universities Study (SAFER) intervention aims to reduce excessive drinking and intoxication at off-campus locations near the college, including parties at homes and apartments. SAFER “toolkit” outlines the core components of a comprehensive action plan as well as the steps to facilitate planning and implementation of the intervention. It will be reviewed and discussed during the presentation.

Thursday, August 30 | 8:30 – 10:00 am

Albert Terrillion, DrPH, CPH, CHES Deputy Director, Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)Coalition Partnerships with Healthcare Agencies

Healthcare transformation continues to challenge policy makers and health professionals. Cost, quality of care, and population-level considerations remain priorities in balanced efforts. Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) has undertaken several projects and advocacy efforts in the past year that will strengthen community-based-organization partnerships in health care agencies. CADCA, a national, private nonprofit organization with affiliates in each of the 50 states and all US territories, helps community-based organizations forming coalitions become stronger and more effective and works with federal, state and local government to support the coalition movement. CADCA fully recognizes that as effective as universal prevention approaches have been, there is also a great need for integrating risk reduction approaches, given the growing rates of substance use commonly reported by national epidemiological surveys. This session will focus on two projects that seek to strengthen partnerships with healthcare agencies, including providers and payers, to improve community health.
Royal Ballroom
Joe Eberstein, Program Manager for the San Diego County (MPI) Marijuana Prevention InitiativeYouth Marijuana Use: New Research Prevention Strategies & Public Health Challenges

The objectives of the session is to discuss Prop 64, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA). Also, during this session there will be a discussion on current youth marijuana trend data including use, access, harm perception, ER visits, poison control, and treatment. We will discuss evolving marijuana products and current trends in use. We will describe public health challenges related to increased access to potent products, as well as CO and WA State updates on recreational use. MPI prevention efforts and strategies, as well as an introduction of the MPI Prevention TOOLKIT will be the final point discussed.
MPI Prevention ToolKit
MPI Info Cards
Grand Ballroom